In 1979 I began to play with cameras. In the early 80's I started taking photos of my friends racing Motocross. As well as other various things such as semi trucks, animals and whatever else I could point my camera at and get developed using a 35mm camera. As all of us, I had to grow up and life's idea for me was to work in a factory and raise a family. I am the proud father of three boys that I raised racing Motocross. The dirt bikes were my way of getting good grades and behavior. Looking at some of the photos that were taken of my children by other photographers while they were racing at different venues, I knew I could do better. I knew what I wanted to see. So, as a hobby, I started taking photos of my boys racing. A very good friend of mine, Shannon Dye from Micro Medix liked the photos and humbly volunteered to build my boys' a website to showcase their accomplishments. As friends and racers alike began to look at the website, which was built for us, asked me to take photos of their kids. This is how Moto Lenz Photos came about. Thankfully, I got back into my photography because after twenty years of employment with Swan Hose of Bucyrus, my factory job shut down and moved to China. They say when one door shuts, another one opens. I was given the opportunity to become Ohio State University Marion and Summit Motorsports Park's Official photographer . I also was given the opportunity to enroll into Marion Technical College to obtain a degree of "Associate of Technical Study Interactive Media Technology".Over the past six and a half years of my rollercoaster life, I have been so BLESSED! I've had the opportunity to meet and photograph some of the most awesome people from Summit Motorsports Park, AHDRA, AMA Monster Energy Supercross, AMRA and OSU Marion, not to mention getting to photograph some of God's greatest gifts to us such as animals and beautiful landscapes. I am also proud to say after two years of full time school, I completed my degree as well. Over time, I have put together some of my favorite photos in their perspective categories and posted them for your viewing pleasure. And as I like to put it, "Please enjoy the world through my eyes as I see it!"
Michael Davis, Moto Lenz Photos |